ECA Exam Waiver Process

Three Ways to Meet the GQE Requirement

Because reading, writing, and math are fundamental to everything you'll do in your life, you must meet the GQE to demonstrate basic understanding of English/language arts and math before you graduate.

The ECA requirement can be met in the following ways:  1. Pass the ECA.  2. Fulfill the requirements of the GQE Evidence-based waiver:

•  Take the ECA at least one time your sophomore, junior, and senior years.

•  Complete any extra help sessions offered each year by your school to prepare for the ECA retests.

•  Maintain a school attendance rate of 95 percent or better over the course of your high school experience (excused absences are not counted against your attendance rate).

•  Have a "C" average, over the course of your high school career, in the courses required for graduation.

•  Satisfy any other state and local graduation requirements.

•  Get a written recommendation from the teacher(s) in the subject area(s) not passed, as well as one from the school principal, and show proof that the academic standards have been met, whether through other tests or classroom work.

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