World Languages

world language
World Language Staff

French, German, Latin and Spanish

Level I
- Level I world language courses provide instruction in which students engage in basic interpersonal communication, gain introductory knowledge and understanding of other cultures, begin to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines as it relates to the world language, develop an initial insight into the nature of language and culture, and participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world at a beginning level.

Level II - Level II world language courses provide instruction in which students reenter Level I information to reinforce beginning proficiencies. Level II courses emphasize the further development of student competency in the areas of communication, cultural awareness, interdisciplinary connections, comparative studies, and community involvement as they relate to the world language.

Level III - Level III world language courses provide instruction in which students continue to develop the proficiencies gained in Levels I and II. These are developed within the context of interpersonal communication within and beyond the school setting, interpretation of language, presentation of information, and understanding of practices and products of cultures. Other areas of instructional emphasis are the reinforcement of knowledge of other disciplines, the recognition of distinctive cultural viewpoints, the comparative study of languages and the encouragement of students to become lifelong learners.

Level IV/V - Level IV/V world language courses provide instruction in which students expand upon the proficiencies gained in the preceding three levels. These are expanded with an emphasis on critical thinking skills within the areas of communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities. The increased focus on lifelong learning, as well as on college preparation, results in a more mature awareness of the effects of world language study.

Advanced Placement - The advanced placement language class is for 12th grade students who are in their fourth or fifth level of study in the language. The class is an alternative to the regular fourth/fifth level class and is much more intense in language skill development. The specific goals of the advanced placement language course are to develop a high degree of fluency and proficiency, making exclusive use of the target language as the method of lesson delivery.
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